HD coverage is available. Add it to Your Package.
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White Package $1400 a full day package
- Introduction presenting the event location.
- Pre and post ceremony coverage (8 hours).
- Full ceremony captured with 2 cameras and wireless mic.
- Reception coverage including all highlights.
- Up to 1 hour of professional edited film, includes title and music (3 DVD’s).
Blue Package $1800
- Extensive introduction presenting the event location.
- Pre and post ceremony coverage (10 hours).
- Full ceremony captured with 3 cameras and wireless mic.
- Reception coverage including all highlights.”
- Professional edited film, includes title and music (3 DVD’s).
- Childhood to engagement photo montage on separate DVD.
- Condensed 15 minute “Highlights ” of the day.
- Archive footage, all footage shot transferred to DVD.
“A La Cart” Options
- Condensed highlights version of your entire Day. 15 minutes in length $100.
- Additional Hours $125 per hour if booked in advance.
- Childhood to Engagement Montage 60 Photos set to music $160.
- Additional DVD’s $20.
- Extra camera at event, $250 each instance).
- Archive Footage, All Video shot transferred to DVD unedited $100.
- You Tube Version. $300
Add Photography to your Video Package and receive free Cinematic Highlights.
All Prices are subject to change without notice. Other fees and taxes may apply.