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I want you to meet Suzanne and Robert, amazing people. I have a lot in common with them, camping and hiking just to name a few. That made it a comfortable fit for me to be photographing their wedding day. It was a beautiful March afternoon at the gorgeous Payne Corley House. Be sure to check out my earlier article about this location. The day was a little chilly, but with the deep blue skies, what more could one ask for?
Suzanne and Robert were so laid back, and friends and family were just the same. Well maybe the friends were a little too laid back. Seems they had a running joke to out do each other as a wedding prank. I won’t mention what Robert had allegedly done to his buddies, but I can say first hand, and I have the pictures to prove it, his ‘friends’ loaded the interior of his truck with 8 bales of pine straw. That is going to take a bit of cleaning. But everyone enjoyed the joke, and from the look on his face Robert seemed he knew it was coming.
Congratulations Suzanne and Robert! I hope you will enjoy the images as much as I enjoyed being there with you on such a special day.