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With Mothers Day and Fathers Day coming up we wanted to let you in on a little secret. Your Mom and Dad don’t like to have their pictures taken…….They LOVE it. I know what you are thinking, they always look at you with that sideways grin and say”I don’t like to have my picture taken”, It’s not true! When we get them in front of our camera they begin to laugh and cut up and really have a good time with the session. When they see the images that we take they are very pleased that they took part in the photos. Think about it, you don’t really see a lot of pictures of your parents together, except at the last reunion or at your kids party or soccer game. But a professional, loving picture they would hang on their wall, Priceless. My Dad passed when he was 56. I was 18, I never had pictures like that of my parents. It sure would have been a pleasure to look back on them that way.
This is not new to photography, but a lot of the older generations 48 and above just don’t worry as much about photographs of themselves as the younger generation. Or as they do about their children and grandchildren. That is why on a lot of photographers sites you see babies, maternity, weddings but not enough of the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation. Let’s change that.
Take it from me, don’t let another moment pass without getting these images for yourself as a loving baby boomer couple. Or if you are a child and want have these photos of your parents, this would be a wonderful expression of your love. A ‘Beloved’ photography session.