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Well it is official, Dani & Sam are finally married! June 2,2012, what a great day. I photographed their engagement a few months ago on the campus of Berry College in Rome, Georgia. I was happy to return there for their wedding images as well. I have had the pleasure of photographing events in Rome quit a bit in the past few years, and I always love this campus, especially with a large wedding party. We photographed their first look at the beautiful Ford building, but decided to meet the bridal party at the old entrance for the full party images. What a beautiful lane of trees, absolutely gorgeous. Even in the direct sunlight at noon it was a great spot, and in comparison to the weekend before which was in the high 90’s, we were in beautiful 60ish weather.
With the wedding party images completed, we headed to the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Rome, to make it official. Shortly after we arrived at Forrest Place in downtown Rome for the reception. This is a nice place for a reception. Marble walls and floors, columns of marble and iron. A building from the early 1900’s era that has a lot of character. I appreciate the fact that the marble isĀ so white in the large rooms, it really helps with photographing nighttime events. It also being located in the downtown area offers many great spots for other ‘street’ photos. Be sure to see my upcoming article about this spectacular location.
The reception was celebrated by the large group of friends and family that surrounded them, and danced the afternoon away. The festivities continued until they final jumped into the getaway car, and as always something inventive had to be done to decorate the car. I cannot quit say this beat the pine straw inside the car a few weddings ago, but this is worth mentioning. Instead of soda or beer cans, it was decided to use string bean cans tied to the bumper. Needless to say the cans were not emptied beforehand and the beans had to go somewhere, why not on the tires and windshield…Yes! As the windshield was wiped away I managed to score a few beans on my camera, but I made a speedy recovery to continue on my mission to capture the lovely couple speeding away to their honeymoon.
Congratulations Dani & Sam!
I also must thank Holly Lynch at The Seasons Events. As always, Holly is the best of the best. She holds it all together like no other, and never gets mad at me when I take too long with the photos, but a few nudges always sets me straight. Where would these wedding be without The Seasons Events. Rome, you’ve got it good.